Paid tandem flights are available from commercial operators who are usually linked to an official flight training school.


Cloudbase paragliding australia Tandem Flights

Tandem flights are available on the Central Coast at the Crackneck Lookout launch, provided by Cloudbase Paragliding. Please talk to Cloudbase to book or make an enquiry or click here.

Flights can also be obtained further afield in Newcastle, Stanwell Tops (near Wollongong), Laurieton (near Port Macquarie) and Manilla (near Tamworth).

For the safety of all involved, there are very stringent requirements in place from the Sport Aviation Federation of Australia (SAFA) for all pilots in this sport, especially those conducting tandem flights, and especially those doing this on a commercial basis.

Before you book, pay for, or go on a tandem flight with any pilot it is most important to check the credentials of the pilot offering this service. This includes their current SAFA membership, SAFA certification level, and insurance. If the flight is taking place (ie. launching or landing) on National Parks land, special licences/permissions/insurances must also be in place with National Parks. You can find a full list of schools at the SAFA web site. Please contact our club or the SAFA if you have further questions about this.

Some other operators near to us are …


  Microlight Adventures


  Newcastle Airsports

If you would like your company listed here – contact us.